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Am I a funny artist? Or am I an artist that draws funny?

What even is a cartoonist? When a cartoonist does their job well,

they can change the way people see things. But I suppose that could

be said about any creative person. Whats different about cartoonists

is it takes a lot of work to make something look simple and when done

right it has the magical ability to leave a smile upon someones face

and make them see their world differently than before.


My name is Will Terrell and my mission is to use my life, my talents and

opportunities to make the world a better place and inspire others to do the

same. Throughout my 25 year long career I have found many opportunities

to create art for a living, as well as use that art to improve

the lives of others. Whether through cartooning, comic books,

caricatures, illustration, figure drawing, animation, teaching or

mentoring; I have always approached living, with the intention of

using my life talents and opportunities to make the world a better

place and inspire others to do the same.


I thank you for being here.

-Will Terrell

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